Setting Up a Development Environment for Fiefdom

Setting up a development environment for building on Fiefdom is a crucial step for developers. This process involves first configuring your development tools to interact with the Fiefdom Playground testnet network, allowing you to deploy and test smart contracts effectively.

Below is a guide to help you establish a development environment tailored for Fiefdom Playground, utilizing its Chain ID, RPC URL, and other network specifics.

Step 1: Install Node.js and npm

Before you begin, ensure you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your computer. These tools are essential for managing project dependencies and running development scripts. You can download Node.js, which includes npm, from

Step 2: Set Up Your Ethereum Wallet

  • MetaMask Configuration: Install MetaMask, a popular Ethereum wallet, as a browser extension from After setting up MetaMask, you'll need to configure it to connect to the Fiefdom Playground testnet network.

    • Note: Any other major EVM-compatibles wallet provider will work.

  • Add Fiefdom Network to MetaMask:

    • Open MetaMask and go to Settings > Networks > Add Network.

    • Enter the following details for the Fiefdom network:

    • Save the configuration. Your wallet is now connected to the Fiefdom Playground testnet network.

Step 3: Choose and Set Up Your Development Environment

  • Hardhat or Truffle Suite: These are popular development environments for Ethereum smart contract development. For Fiefdom, either can be used as they both support custom network configurations.

    • Hardhat: Install Hardhat using npm with npm install --save-dev hardhat. Initialize a new Hardhat project by running npx hardhat in your project directory and follow the setup instructions.

    • Truffle Suite: Install Truffle using npm with npm install -g truffle. Initialize a new Truffle project by running truffle init in your project directory.

Step 4: Configure Your Development Environment for Fiefdom

  • For Hardhat, edit the hardhat.config.js file to include the Fiefdom network configuration:

    module.exports = {
      networks: {
        fiefdomPlayground: {
          url: "",
          chainId: 712,
          accounts: [/* Your private keys here */],
          gas: "auto",
          gasPrice: "auto"
      solidity: "0.8.4", // or any other version you prefer
  • For Truffle, edit the truffle-config.js file to add the Fiefdom network:

    module.exports = {
      networks: {
        fiefdomPlayground: {
          provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(/* Your mnemonic or private keys */, ""),
          network_id: 712,
          gas: "auto",
          gasPrice: "auto"
      compilers: {
        solc: {
          version: "0.8.4", // or any other version you prefer

Step 5: Web3 Provider Setup

For interacting with the Fiefdom Playground network programmatically (e.g., deploying contracts, sending transactions), configure a Web3 provider in your project:

  • Web3.js or Ethers.js: Both libraries are widely used in Ethereum development. Install your choice of library using npm, for example, npm install web3 or npm install ethers.

  • Use the RPC URL ( when initializing your Web3 or Ethers provider to connect to the Fiefdom network.

Last updated